Growth RE:START volume 1 PV

Hey guys!

Last week Tsukino Production finally shared PV for Growth RE:START vol 1 and it was awesome <3 It is a duet between Eto Kouki and Fujimura Mamoru.

I still remember the first time I heard it. I just finished my meeting at that time and I immediately let my friend listened to it but she can't understand why I like it so much :'(

 It was just a preview but the song is undeniably great. Growth 's theme is 'Time' and they totally incorporated it into their song. At the beginning, there are sounds of a clock being winded before it starts ticking. I don't know why but I really like this part. Then when Kou kun starts singing, I fell in love. Kou and Mamoru have great harmonisation and I feel like crying. I managed to find the translation and I have to say this. John san is a genius! Bless you John san for this masterpiece.

Song title : 時のはざまに [Toki no Hazama ni ]

I am totally buying this CD guys. Nothing can stop me!

Oh I also include where I found the translation. If you got tumblr, please follow this account and give support! There's a lot of translation for Tsukipro series as well as other fandom. Unfortunately I don't have an account (to prevent myself from getting more distracted than I usually am lol. Engineering is hard ok. Don't do it if you are not doing it willingly).



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