Game review: The Prison Boys App
Hey guys! This would be my first ever review and I choose a game that I'm recently hooked up with which is The Prison Boys. It's a mobile app which is a mix of mystery novel and escape game and can be downloaded in Google Playstore for free. Screenshot of the game's start page The game is set at the end of Taisho Era and revolves around Akatsuki Tetsu, the main character who wants to discover the truth behind an incident that happened in 12-Story Prison which is the hub of the secret police in that era. Please be reminded that this is a fictional work so you would not find it in history books etc. I would not reveal the whole plot here as that would totally spoil the game. Moreover, the background music for this game is simply amazing. It totally fits the mood in every scene although some people may find it creepy (exp: my friend who declared she would not play it because it looks creepy -_- ) Don't judge a book by it's cover people. You may not know...